In order to start production on the farms, you need to feed animals.

There are four types of farms in the game:
  • Chicken coop
  • Pig farm
  • Cow barn
  • Llama farm

In order to feed animals, follow the steps below:

1. Grow the corn, wheat, sugar cane or linen in the field.

2. Once the crop is ready, tap on it and use the scythe to collect the crop.

3. Check if there is any grass growing in the area. Collect the grass by tapping on it. The grass appears in the farm occasionally.

4. There are two Mills that produce fodder for different animals. Feed Mill produces fodder for cows and chickens. Open the Feed Mill, then tap and hold wheat, corn or grass, and drag it into the Mill.

5. Big Mill produces fodder for llamas and pigs. Open the Big Mill, then tap and hold corn, sugar cane or linen, and drag it into the Mill.

6. Once the grounded grain is ready, tap on it to collect. Please note, that each sack of grain feeds 3 animals.

7. Open one of the farms and drag the grain into the animal feeders to start production.