Available since level 8.
Find out what it feels like to be a newspaper editor and gather the materials for the newspaper.
Receive valuable prizes by completing daily tasks in a new event - Riverside Post!

The event lasts for 7 days. New day brings a new heading:
  • Green agenda;
  • Architect's notes;
  • 1001 bouquets;
  • Anonymous poet;
  • Four-legged Friend;
  • Production secrets;
  • Port gossip.
The heading is a daily to-do list. After completing it you receive points.
After collecting the required amount of points you get the rewards - resources that are needed for developing the farm and the city center:
  • Eco-parking materials: fertilizer, paper, plastic, glass and metal;
  • Construction materials: brick, cement, metal beam;
  • Recycled materials: wallpapers, pipe, tile, cable;
  • Expansion materials: rakes, shovel, wheelbarrow;
  • Barn upgrade materials: roofing, nails, beam;
  • Energy ticket for Eco-parking;
  • Cargo Port ticket;
  • Premium feed;
  • Rubies;
  • Compasses;
  • Banknotes and coins.
For one day of the event, you can get 3 rewards.
Pay attention, that a new task appears every day, and the collected points
of the previous day are reset. You can’t continue with the previous list.

In addition to the collected reward, you get one golden page.
Golden page is a unique reward for which you can get special prizes at the end of the event.
There are two special prizes:

1 super-prize (for 7 collected golden pages) includes:
  • 5 banknotes;
  • 3 premium feed;
  • 1 beam.
2 super-prize (for 14 collected golden pages) includes:
  • 25 banknotes;
  • 6 premium feed;
  • 2 silver compasses;
  • 2 cargo port tickets.