Remove obstacles, clear the clouds, complete tasks and win wonderful prizes!

How to play?

1. Open Your City map and tap an icon at the bottom left. A list of available adventures will open. Tap the icon of the adventure you want to take part in.

! To get access to the time-limited adventures event (if there is any available), tap the icon on the left, below the Sea Trade icon.

You will see a map. Tap the first area's pic to start the event.

2. Complete the chosen adventure's ‘To-Do List’ tasks using the special - adventure - energy ('purple' energy). To complete it faster, tap the ‘Show’ button next to the task.

3. If you tap the ‘Show’ button and it takes you to the middle of the clouds, clear your way to get to this point. To clear the clouds you need to remove obstacles closest to them.

4. If there is still no way to get to the indicated point, check the following:
  • All the obstacles were removed.
  • All the available tasks from the chosen adventure's ‘To-Do List’ were completed and checked off.

5. If you don't have enough energy to remove an obstacle, it will be partly removed. When you collect more energy, click on the same obstacle and the rest of the energy required to remove this obstacle will be deducted from the total amount of energy that you have now.

6. Pay special attention to the backpacks and crates you will find here and there - they may contain valuable items.
