In order to start, click on the Country Clubs icon next to the city name:
Then follow along with Will until you have fully completed the tutorial, once done he will kick you out of SunnyHill club.
You can now create your own club (for 30 superbucks) or join someone else’s club. If you start your own club you won't be able to leave it unless you assign someone else as the president.
Creating a club
You can choose the club’s name, add a description for it, choose a random emblem or create your own customized emblem. Also you can choose your preferred language of communication inside the club and a minimum required level for entering the club (by default it is set to 30).
‼️ Choose the club’s name wisely, you won’t be able to change it afterwards ‼️
For the time being a club can have only 20 members.
‼️ Choose the club’s name wisely, you won’t be able to change it afterwards ‼️
For the time being a club can have only 20 members.
There are 3 types of clubs:
Public - any player that has the required level can enter the club instantly, it is not necessary for the Club administration to approve their request
Public - any player that has the required level can enter the club instantly, it is not necessary for the Club administration to approve their request
Nonpublic - any player with the right level can apply, but will join only if the Club administration approves their request
Private - the club won’t appear in the searches, it will appear only in the ratings. The only way to join it is by invitation
A player can be invited by entering their User ID in the “Invite” section of the club. You can find the user IDs on the add me board on the fan page:
An invitation is valid only for 7 days.
Entering a club
You can search a club by its name or by its ID
Club IDs can also be found on an add me board on our Community Page:
You can also do an extended search by choosing certain parameters:
What are the advantages of joining a club?
First of all, you can help your friends with needed items and you can get help in return!
You can do so in the “Member’s requests” section. Don’t forget to refresh the tab from time to time to see all the newest requests.
First of all, you can help your friends with needed items and you can get help in return!
You can do so in the “Member’s requests” section. Don’t forget to refresh the tab from time to time to see all the newest requests.
1) You can give 10 items in a day;
2) You can request items several times a day, but only one at a time;
Requests are of 2 kinds: free and for a superbucks fee. Every day you can use 1 free request and 2 for a superbucks fee.
You can delete a request, even if it was partially fulfilled. But in this case it will still be deducted from your daily limit. If you paid superbucks for a request and then cancel it you do not get the superbucks back!
Be an active member of your club and you’ll have a high rank in the club’s inner ratings!
You can see the ratings for the current day, for a week and for the month.
Here you can click on every member of the rating and see the detailed information about them and also visit their city. Remember if you want to help a player in their city then you must be neighbors in the game.
Club ranks
Club president
You can become president by creating the club or by receiving the presidency from someone else;
Is able to...: change club settings, send notifications to all club members, decide about applications, expel players from the club, change club ranks for club members and send out invitations for the club;
The Club president must transfer club presidency to another member before leaving the club. If they are the last member, the club will be dissolved
Appointed by president;
Is able to...: change club settings, send notifications to all club members, decide about applications, expel players from the club;
A club can have a max of 2 vice-presidents.
Appointed by the president or vice-president;
A club can have up to 3 coordinators.
Is able to...: decide about applications, expel players from the club;
Has no additional abilities;
appointed by the president or vice-president;
Appointed by the president or vice-president;
No additional abilities;
Club chat
If a member has left a message in the chat and is no longer part of the club, their message will appear as from “Mystery man”, like in the following screenshot:

Club mail
This is your personal mail box, other club members can’t see it. Here you will find invitations to other clubs.
"Join a country club" offer
After you finish a tutorial you will receive a "Join a country club" offer with the quests that will help you get acquainted with Country clubs. 

Please note:
The timer for this offer starts right after you finish the tutorial!
The reward:
An awesome Club cup! Drops 1-2 superbucks and 1-2 seasonal currency every 24 hours for 16 days
After leaving a club can I join another one immediately?
Yes, there is no waiting time.
I was in a club, I helped there with 6 items and then i left the club and joined another one. How many items I still have available for helping the members of my new club?
4 items. 10 per day per player, regardless of how many clubs they switched.
What about the item I requested? What happens if you move to a new club?
The request also moves with you.
Yes, there is no waiting time.
I was in a club, I helped there with 6 items and then i left the club and joined another one. How many items I still have available for helping the members of my new club?
4 items. 10 per day per player, regardless of how many clubs they switched.
What about the item I requested? What happens if you move to a new club?
The request also moves with you.
Can you be in more than one club at a time?
No, you can only be in one club at a time, to join another club you will first have to leave the one you are currently in.
Do you have to be neighbors to be in a club?
No, you do not have to be neighbors, you can ask a player for their id and send them an invitation.