Anniversary Expedition
SuperCity turns 10! This date must be marked by all means. And celebrate with fanfare! Will is ready to help with the organization.

The expedition is available from level 15+.
Please take a few moments and read the rules:

Quest tasks:
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you follow the quests on the LEFT SIDE of the game in the order they are given !! If you just start clearing the field and not doing the quests in order, you will struggle and get stuck until you actually complete them. Do all of the top quests first then continue to do the others under it.
You find the other tasks on the right side of the screen:
Club competitionsTo participate in the club competition, you need to be a member of the club. For every 100 energy units spent, you get 1 ticket, which goes to the overall club rating. To participate in the club rating, you need to collect
10 tickets:
All members of the clubs who have taken the leading places will be able to receive a special reward - standards that will bring game bonuses within the allotted period of time.
In addition, members of such clubs will be able to get a unique building - the Forest Spirit Park:
We remind you that players cannot join or leave the club 3 days before the end of the Expedition.
Town meeting hall

In order to receive the Town Meeting Hall, you need to collect 300 Flower Gift Baskets by completing the orders and delivering the goods to a special building
Expedition rewards
On the first tab, you see the expedition tasks you need to complete to get a coin with cake and obtain SupercityLand.

On the second tab of this offer you can see details about each reward: Remember to click on the Claim button to get your rewards!

ATTENTION! Standard rewards - in the bottom row, in the upper row - additional rewards that players can receive only after purchasing an Expeditionary Key.
Please note that you can receive Expedition Key rewards in the same way as the main ones - only after receiving a certain number of coins.
The third tab is Classical individual ratings:

To enter the ratings it is necessary to collect at least 10 Fruit Salads
In this expedition, we are introducing players to a new way of earning points to participate in the ranking!
You need to find a Fruit trees on the map :

For using 45 energy you will get Fruit Boxes:

Pay attention to these as the trees do regenerate over time. You can speed these up using superbucks if you don’t want to wait for them to regenerate on their own.

After you collect the Fruit Box you can start the rating mini-game. To do this, click the button in the screenshot below:
To start the game, you need to collect
6 Fruit Boxes:

After that, you can start playing. The essence is to find combinations of 2 or more fruits of the same color (the more cells in the combination, the more points you can get for the combination).
Please note that you are given 25 moves to start:
By collecting combinations, you get points for the scale with stars (80, 110, 125 points):
If you haven't used all the 25 moves, but you want to stop for a while, then your progress will be saved:
If you have run out of moves, but you want to continue playing, then you can buy 5 moves for pearls:
Please note that when buying moves, the 2nd & 3rd additional time for one game will be higher.
For each star in the game, you get a Fruit salad for the rating - 1 star - 1 salad, 2 stars - 2 salads, 3 stars - 5 salads:
You can also access the mini-game by clicking on the fruit food truck on the expedition map:
The first 3 places in the personal rating receive cups:
During the tasks, you will be asked to talk to various characters and restore houses on the map.
For such tasks, you will receive
Newspaper Cuttings:

You can use such clippings in the Archaeological Museum in your city (not on the Expedition!) To restore a unique festive exhibition (it can only be collected on this Expedition!)

Don’t forget if you want to collect profits then you must place it in an exhibition room!
After you complete a certain number of basic tasks (icons on the left), you will be asked to restore the archaeological museum, which is located on the expedition map:
Note: the archaeological museum in the expedition will give energy and have a new skin immediately after restoring, however to get the skin for the building in your main city you need to complete all the quests in the chain on the left, that means there are no more quests left to do!
After the restoration of the House in the Mountains, Forest Stall and Mountain shop, you can fulfill the orders of the building and receive the energy of the expedition as a reward:
Some of the restored buildings on the map will also bring you energy:
After restoring the Workshop you will be able to craft the Pruning Shears:
Using the pruning shears you will be able to remove the Red Peony Bushes
And the Wisteria Trees.
These will give you the needed items to fill orders in the Town Meeting Hall in order to get the Flower Gift Baskets you need.
What’s New?
Now you have another way to get purple energy:

💜If you are a player of level up to 99, then you need to restore the Lighthouse in the Bay. You can collect an additional 75 energy during expeditions every 12 hours.
💜If you are a level 100+ player, then you need to restore the Tribe Village in the Bay. You can collect an additional 75 energy during expeditions every 12 hours.
Please note that you will receive bonus energy only from one of the objects
(depending on your level) and only during the expedition.
Buy an Expeditionary Key and get extra energy from this building!

After restoring the cafe Recharge with Energy you will be able to create cans with expedition energy:

Attention: after creating the cans, they fall into the expedition's inventory and you must click use to get +50 energy!