You can always access our Support Center by clicking on "Help Center" at the top of the game page:

If you don't see any articles that may help you and want to contact our support team directly, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Contact us":

There you will see a form which you would need to fill in to send your request:


Here you need to choose on which platform did the problem occur. Choose "Facebook" if you are playing on Facebook, and "Supercity Portal" if you are playing Supercity on our separate site.

Choose the language you prefer for the communication here. If your language is not there, choose "English". Don't worry, you won't have to write to us in English in this case! Please, use the language you are comfortable with. Our support agents will answer in the language that you described your issue in.

Your name:
How would you like us to address you? Entering your name is optional, but if you don't know your ID, it will help us find your account.

Your email address:
Please, make sure there are no typos, as this is where our answer will be sent to. We can also use it to find your account if you don't know your ID.

Issue about:
Choose the category that is most close to your problem. If there is no corresponding category, please, choose Other.
Credit card/ PayPal payment:
Your payment didn't go through or you didn't receive your purchase.
Please note, that if you can't add a new payment method or you receive any kind of error when trying to make a payment, it is better to contact the Facebook support as all the payments are processed by them.
You can't open the game or the game is freezing and lagging.
New quests:
You are experiencing problems with in-game events such as Fortune's wheel, Find your treasure, etc., or the problem is with the new Map object.
Missing items:
You didn't receive the quest reward or the item didn't drop from a building.
Choose this, if your problem doesn't look like anything above.

Describe your problem here:
Please, write about your issue here in as much detail as possible here.
If the problem is with the quest, please, let us know which quest it is. If the game is lagging, tell us which measures have you already taken. This information will help us to understand the issue better and assist you faster and more efficiently.

Player ID:
Knowing your ID is crucial for us to be able to help you. You can find it under your game screen:

If you lost access to your account and don't remember your ID, give us as many details about your old account as possible: your full name, the email you used to register. etc.

Attach files:
Here you can attach screenshots of the problem. It also will help us a lot in understanding what the problem is and helping you much faster.

After you filled in the form, click on the Submit button:
If your request was sent and received successfully, you will receive an automated email saying that your request is being processed.