Requirements: level 10+.
Please note: the points of the previous season pass do not transfer to the new one!
To access the event click on the icon on the right side of the screen:
To access the event click on the icon on the right side of the screen:

Quests tab
This tab is separated into 2 sections, one is the Daily Quests and the other is the Quests for the whole event.

Daily quests:
Daily quests refresh every day at the same time.
For completing each daily quest, the player receives 7 Boxes of Christmas decorations. In total, a player can score 28 Boxes of Christmas decorations for daily quests per day.
Daily quests refresh every day at the same time.
For completing each daily quest, the player receives 7 Boxes of Christmas decorations. In total, a player can score 28 Boxes of Christmas decorations for daily quests per day.
Quests for the whole event:
Unlike daily quests, the player receives all quests of the week at once. These quests are not random, i.e. each player receives the set of quests that corresponds to their level; quests are the same for all players.
During the season pass, regular quests will also appear in the game, for example, Calendar quests, a Treasure Hunt, or an Expedition.
During the season pass, regular quests will also appear in the game, for example, Calendar quests, a Treasure Hunt, or an Expedition.
In the season pass, you will have tasks related to these quests added (note that this is not displayed in advance in the tasks tab, tasks appear automatically after the release of quests).
In tasks of this kind, only the progress that you receive after you have received the task will be taken into account.
Important: In the quests of the Trader's tent, those quests that you already have at the time the Season Pass appears in the game will not be counted. All new quests issued will count towards the Season Pass quests.
Gift for club members: For level 30+ players
When a club member buys a season pass, several club members have the opportunity to pick up a gift:
In the bonus panel you will see:
1. information about who bought the pass
2. number of available bonuses
3. bonus filling
4. number of items in the bonus
5. timer for collecting the bonus
NOTE: You can pick up a bonus from one message only once (for example, player 2 can pick up 2 SB 19 times if all other club members buy a pass.
Once you take the bonus then there will be a (✅) by it and the number will decrease from 5 people can claim to 4 and so on until they are all gone. After all 5 bonuses have been claimed, the message will disappear from the window.
This time we have other offers along with the gold badge!

Rewards tab
Notice if you buy the “Gold Badge” then you can get more rewards as shown in the window on the TOP Section.

In the Rewards tab, you will find many different types of rewards. You will need to click the Claim button on your rewards.
You can also get boosts and speedups:
You can also get new skins for the Kindergarten and Hotel!

What’s New:
Buy the Gold badge and earn all the rewards to gain access to the safe and its endless rewards.
Buy the Gold badge and earn all the rewards to gain access to the safe and its endless rewards.
You can also get NEW Club Chat Stickers:

The Gold badge gives you the opportunity to receive special bonuses, which are presented in the top row of rewards for the Season Pass, as well as in a separate Special Bonuses Tab.
Special Bonuses tab
Please note that bonuses become active only after purchasing the Gold badge (and accumulating enough recycling badges to unlock the bonus in the Rewards tab) they are only active during the Season Pass's running time:

After receiving bonuses to accelerate or increase production, they start working only for new orders; those productions that are active at the time of receiving the bonus are not subject to its effect.
You can see the active bonuses when you click on the buildings.
Remember: you have the option to sell items in your storage that you will need for this event.