The Trader's Tent is a window with five circles. Each circle contains an order consisting of a task and a reward for completing it. When you click on a circle, the task details appear on the right side of the window.

For completing the task, you receive the item indicated in the circle.

After completing a task, a question mark appears in the circle - the countdown to the next task begins. The waiting time is 3 hours. It can be skipped for superbucks.

When the waiting time is up, the question mark disappears from the circle. You need to click on it to see the next task.

If you don't like the task or the reward for it, you can cancel the task by clicking the yellow button in the lower right corner of the window. 

After confirming the action, the waiting time for a new order will begin.

There are two types of quests in the Tent: regular ones and a special one. 
Regular tasks: 4 tasks on a blue background. No time limit. They can be done in any order for as long as you like. You can cancel them. 

Special task: 1 task on a yellow background. It has a time limit. 
The special task is locked. It can be unlocked by completing 4 regular tasks. After that, the lock on it disappears and you can see the task. 

You can cancel the task by clicking the yellow button in the corner. However, this will block the special task. You will need to re-do 4 regular tasks to gain access to a new special task.

If you complete a special task within the allotted time, you will receive a traveler's map. 
If you do not complete it within the allotted time, the task will be blocked. You can only cancel it (in this case, you will not receive a reward) or complete it for superbucks (in this case, you will receive a reward). 
This is what the special task looks like after the time for its completion has expired: 

The following items can be obtained from the Trader's Tent:

Blocks of wood
(available in regular orders from level 1 of the Trader's Tent) 

Required for the production of various items in the game.

Metal parts
(available in regular orders from level 1 of the Trader's Tent)  

Required for the production of various items in the game.  

Rough stones
(available in regular orders from level 2 of the Trader's Tent)    

Required for the production of various items in the game.   

Sets of parts
(available in regular orders from level 3 of the Trader's Tent)   

Required for the production of various items in the game.   

Mountain crystals
(available in regular orders from level 3 of the Trader's Tent)   

Required for the production of various items in the game.   

Ebony blocks
(available in regular orders from level 4 of the Trader's Tent)   


Required for the production of various items in the game.   

Traveler's maps
(available in special orders from level 2 of the Trader's Tent)     

Required to clear land in Sands.