In the Sands, you will get several promotions one by one. Each promotion consists of 5 tasks and has a time limit:
1. Mysterious Tent
2. Remember Everything
3. Glassblower Shop
4. Craft Workshops
5. The Grand Finale
Mysterious Tent
If you fail to complete all the tasks on time, the promotion will disappear from the game.
1. Renovate the Trader's Tent
To do this, you need to restore the Oasis and then complete all the tasks of the Mysterious Tent quest.
You can produce work tools in the Cargo Port. You need items from the Trader's Tent for that. Therefore, you need first to restore the Trader's Tent in order to be able to obtain items to produce work tools.
You can obtain a traveler's map in the Trader's Tent for completing a special order. Therefore, you need first to restore the Trader's Tent in order to be able to complete orders there.
You need to buy 10 expansions above the Trader's Tent. The same rule applies here as for buying any expansion in the city: you can only buy an expansion next to land that has already been purchased.
To complete this task, you need to build the Trader's Tent and buy the expansions above it. This is where cactuses grow. To remove them, you need traveler's maps. You can get them in the Trader's Tent for completing special orders.
Remember Everything

If you fail to complete all the tasks on time, the promotion will disappear from the game.
1. Upgrade the Trader's Tent to level 2
Immediately after restoring the Trader's Tent, you can upgrade it to level 2. To do this, open the Tent window and go to the "Upgrade" tab.
You need to complete a quest to restore the Jeweler's Stall. It's called "Total Recall".
You can produce cut gems at the Jeweler's Stall . To produce them, you need a work tool (produced in the Cargo Port) and a rough stone (can be obtained from the Trader's Tent for completing orders).
To remove palms, you need work tools (produced in the Cargo Port) and pathfinder's tools (obtainable by sending caravans from the Trading Oasis).
Glassblower Shop
Your Trader's Tent should be upgraded to level 2 and you should have completed or failed the second promotion "Remember Everything" to be able to receive the next promotion:If you fail to complete all the tasks on time, the promotion will disappear from the game.
1. Upgrade the Trader's Tent to level 3
You need to access the Trader's Tent and go to the Upgrade tab there. If the tab is locked, you need to place the mouse cursor over it to see what you need to do to unlock it.
You can produce gold ingots on the Apprentice's Workbench. You need a set of parts to produce them (obtainable for completing orders in the Trader's Tent).
You can produce crystal dishes in the Glassblower Stall. To make them, you need a work tool (produced in the Cargo Port), a mountain crystal (can be obtained from the Trader's Tent for completing orders), and a gold ingot (made on the Apprentice's Workbench).
Fill your camels with orders and send them before the time runs out. You have a total of 3 camels available. You don't have to fill all 3 camels' orders, but at least one camel needs to be fully loaded for the caravan to count.
Craft Workshops
You should have a Glassblower Stall built and have completed or failed the Glassblower Shop promotion for the next promotion to appear:
The promotion is available for 14 days. If you complete all the tasks within the allotted time, you will receive a reward: Tearoom, 30 superbucks, and 4 bottles with game energy.
If you fail to complete all the tasks on time, the promotion will disappear from the game.
1. Upgrade the Trader's Tent to level 4
To do this, open the Trader's Tent window and go to the "Upgrade" tab. If the tab is locked, hover your mouse over it to find out what you need to do first to unlock it.
Luxurious fabrics are produced at the Apprentice's Workbench level 2.You need sets of parts to produce them (can be obtained in the Trader's Tent for completing orders).
Carved trunks are produced in the Carpenter's Tent. You need a work tool (made in the Cargo Port) and an ebony block (obtainable from the Traders's Tent for completing orders).
To remove columns, you need traveler's maps (can be obtained from the Trader's Tent for completing a special order) and pathfinder's tools (can be obtained for sending caravans from the Trading Oasis).
Fill your camels with orders and send them before the time runs out. You have a total of 3 camels available. You don't have to fill all 3 camels' orders, but at least one camel needs to be fully loaded for the caravan to count.
The Grand Finale
You must have the Carpenter's Tent built and have completed or failed the fourth promotion "Craft Workshops" for the next promotion to appear:
If you fail to complete all the tasks on time, the promotion will disappear from the game.
1. Upgrade the Trader's Tent to level 5
To do this, open the Trader's Tent window and go to the "Upgrade" tab. If the tab is locked, hover your mouse over it to find out what you need to do first to unlock it.
Chests of jewels are crafted at the Jeweler's Stall level 4. To craft, you need a cut gem (crafted at the Jeweler's Stall), a bejeweled trunk (crafted at the Carpenter's Tent), a luxurious fabrics (crafted at the Apprentice's Workbench), and a set of bejeweled dishes (crafted at the Glassblower Stall).
Sultan's quilts are crafted at Tailor's Tent level 2. To craft them, you need an embroidered dressing gown (crafted at Tailor's Tent), a sultan's staff (crafted at Jeweler's Stall), a jewelry set (crafted at Jeweler's Stall), and a precious mirror (crafted at Glassblower Stall).
Fill your camels with orders and send them before the time runs out. You have a total of 3 camels available. You don't have to fill all 3 camels' orders, but at least one camel needs to be fully loaded for the caravan to count.