Archaeological expeditions last 9 days and are available from level 15.

There is a number of tasks on every map. When you complete the tasks, you receive tiny shards that you can use to restore the museum exhibits in the Archaeological Museum.
The Archaeological Museum is located in your city and remains where you decide to place it. It will remain there after the completion of the expeditions and will bring you profit.
Players can only exhibit 3 expositions in the Museum at the moment as there are 3 rooms available in total.
Now let's go over the basic rules again:
In each location, you need to complete a series of tasks and remove many obstacles. These obstacles will help you complete tasks. You can find the task you need to complete on the left side of the expedition screen.

Each location has the following buildings:

If your Archaeological Museum has not yet been maxed out, you will also be able to purchase the following items from the Mobile Stand:


Gold Rush

It is a side activity aimed at finding special obstacles in the expedition field and opening them for expedition energy.
Each special obstacle requires 5 units of expedition energy and contains 15 gold goblets.
As soon as you accumulate the number of goblets specified in the progress bar, you will receive a reward shown at the end of the progress bar.
There are 10 stages in this activity. It means that you will be able to receive 10 rewards in total. You will not see the full list of rewards, only the next reward and the final reward.
Archaeologists Rally

To participate in the activity, you need to spend expedition energy by completing tasks as usual. Once the Rally starts and you've spent some energy, you'll be placed in a group with other players, with whom you'll compete for rewards. You need to earn 5 special points to enter the event.
The Rally lasts a little less than a day. During this time, your spent energy is converted into Rally points and added to your activity score. The more points you earn in the allotted time, the higher your place in the group and the better the prizes.
In addition to the competitive part, the Rally will also have an individual part. That is, you can play the expedition and receive Rally rewards regardless of the place you occupy in the rating of your group. For a certain number of Rally points earned, you will receive rewards and advance in the reward line.
During the Rally, there will be a temporary points multiplier, during which you will receive twice as many points for the energy spent.
Gift Race

It is a side activity aimed at finding gift boxes in the expedition field and opening them.
Each gift box has 2 rewards: some expedition energy and several tokens.
If you click on the question mark next to the token, you will see how many tokens each of the gift boxes will bring.
As soon as you accumulate the number of tokens specified in the progress bar, you will receive a reward shown at the end of the progress bar.
There are 18 stages in this activity. It means that you will be able to receive 18 rewards in total. You will not see the full list of rewards, only the next reward and the final reward.
Serbian Church

This is a separate building that will bring you bonuses:

Club's excavations

There are two tabs in the Club Excavation Plan:
-- Club Aims: these are your club's aims for the entire expedition
-- Excavation Intensity: updated daily tasks for spending energy by club members
Club Aims: You need to be a club member and have a minimum of 10 points to participate in Club Aims. The more points the participants collect, the more prizes the club will receive: expedition energy, seasonal currency, marathon cards, superbucks and artifact fragments.
Club Excavation main prize: Serbian house

-- The amount of energy that goes towards club goals is limited for each player. If you spend more energy, it will not count.
-- The timer resets daily at 12:00 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time, 3 hours behind Moscow time)
-- To get bonus energy, you need to click on the Claim button, energy is not automatically credited to you!
Clubs' Tournament

At the end of the competition, members of the club with the most points will receive banners that will bring bonuses for 16 days.
New room in the museum: Soulful Serbia!
As soon as you collect the entire exposition, it will begin to bring you bonuses for 16 days: do not forget to display it in one of the museum rooms, as the timer will start counting from the moment the last exhibit was restored!