Nina asks:
Why is something that was before and was inconvenient for players returning: that the Shops and Stalls will bring new orders not after 2 hours, but after 30 minutes? After all, this is convenient only for those who are constantly in the game, but for those who work, or for other reasons cannot often be in the game, it is simply unrealistic to go in every half hour. Is it possible to leave the waiting time the same as now, after 2 hours, but with a larger number of cheese plates?
Kate answers:
This is a good suggestion and we will definitely take it into account in the future. As for the reduction in waiting time, this was done to make the process smoother and more comfortable for players. This is a temporary solution related to the buffet area. In future expeditions, where there will be no buffet area, the standard time will again be 2 hours.
Lyudmila Orlova asks:
Hello! Why can't you put several items in special chests in expeditions? In excavation expeditions, the buildings we build could be profitable. Why has the amount of energy decreased?
Kate answers:
We try to make energy distribution balanced and convenient for everyone. When energy is received through the collection of profits in buildings, it is more difficult to control. If players log in less often, they receive less energy and face difficulties that we did not plan. This causes complaints about the difficulty. Direct energy distribution allows us to more accurately regulate its amount so that all players have equal conditions, regardless of how often they log in.
Mabel Orellana asks:
Why does the helicopter only give out one key every 11 hours? That's right, as long as you do all five tasks of one, if there is an item, such as a bathtub, wallpaper, etc., it takes a few hours to manufacture it, even though you already have certain factories loaded with this item, you always need to do some. And it's hours it takes for the helicopter to leave- I have a door right now that's missing a shovel and the helicopter will leave in three hours and arrive at the end of the expedition to move on to another one. Either I miss all that help or I'm 3 hours late to get the shovel and I'm short on the finish. Could they make it better?. Thank you! ❤.
Kate answers:
Yes, we have been receiving a lot of feedback about the helicopter lately. There are currently discussions about the need for changes, but at this point we do not have any exact information about whether they will be made. We will continue to monitor the situation and will definitely inform you as soon as new information becomes available.
Patricia J Vessa asks:
Could you please put the total number of tasks in the expedition? Are there 17 or 21 or something else in each and is it a total of 40, 55, 64, or what? It is very irritating not knowing how many there are. BTW, I hate the chapters because of this. I wish you had left it alone. I could care less about the story-I just want to do the expedition, complete it, and gain the buildings. That's it. Didn't want you adding a bunch more stuff to make it even more grueling.
Ann answers:
Thank you for your idea to show the total number of quests! We will take on this task and add this information to the game in one of the future launches.
Nina Divertida asks:
If you are reducing the number of days to play an expedition, which I think is a good idea, can you please reduce the amount of energy required to get to the end to get the main building?
Kate answers:
Yes we always do that. We change the energy balance of each expedition depending on the number of days it is designed for.
Adrianna Wahl asks:
Why do you keep changing the Expeditions?
Ann answers:
We continue to update expeditions to improve the balance of the event and provide players with a more interesting and varied experience. Sometimes changes are necessary to fix problems or improve gameplay. Finding the optimal balance requires experimentation. That's why player feedback is very important to us. We appreciate your patience and thank you for your support!
Gladys Marie Brown asks:
When will you change the Expedition and end the vacant lots? We use a lot of energy trying to get to the designated areas?
Kate answers:
We continue to work on maps and improving the expedition experience to make it more fun and convenient for you!
Tripti Sree Roy asks:
Why has the duration of this expedition been reduced to 7 days, from 11 days like the previous 2 expedition?
Ann answers:
We have reduced the duration of expeditions to make the event calendar more balanced and diverse. In connection with this, we have also reduced the difficulty of expeditions, which will make the rewards more accessible to players.
Vargas Lucia asks:
I agree with all the missions of the supercity game, because they are diversity and in each get prizes, what I do not agree is that appear at the same time several and therefore there if I forget which attend, I can not be much time here and therefore I'm going the mission almost starting or being halfway and if fortunately advance is a step to finish, hopefully they could give more time for the mishaps that times we have as the slow of the game or the internet still I'm not sure it is, with the days that are given to achieve the mission, and with the rewards, I never achieve the expedition building neither one nor the other, but anyway, I like the I play and enter when I can just distract myself ❤ , gracais for this game that I love and distracts me a lot from all the real problems in life , thank you very much 😉 (Y)
Ann answers:
Thank you for your comment! You are right, there is currently no mechanism in the game that would allow you to catch up with other players if you missed the start of the events for some reason. We will definitely discuss your feedback with the team and take it into account.
Svetlanka Svetlova asks:
Good evening. How will the club's victory be assessed? By completing the main story or all parts of the expedition? Or will there be no club competition?
Ann answers:
The rules of the club competition will remain unchanged.
Masya asks:
Hello! I don't understand why there are two expeditions per month (expedition with a story and archaeological expedition). These quests take up a huge amount of time, and in essence they are not very different. In my opinion (I think all players will agree), two story expeditions and one archaeological expedition per quarter are enough. That is, one per month. And with such frequency they have become a must. We want to have fun, and not come here as if to a boring job! There are other quests, we want more variety. Why so many expeditions?
Ann answers:
We did some research and realized that many players perceive story and archaeological expeditions as two different events. We also took into account the players' wishes to make story expeditions only once a month instead of two. Therefore, in the future, one story expedition and one archaeological expedition will be held per month as two separate events.
CrisDias asks:
After we finish the main task and activate an additional task, will we still have access to the main expedition area?
Ann answers:
The expedition map remains the same. When you launch additional stories, you continue your journey in the same location. In this regard, there are no changes compared to previous expeditions.
Shelia Morgan asks:
Can you please give us the option to use the millions of coins for things like expedition energy, tools for the expedition, shovels for the search for treasures, harvesting the apple trees in the expedition. Many of the mini games we either have to buy or use our sb's, it would be nice to be able to use up some of our coins. It makes no sense to collect from our buildings if there is nothing we can use our coins for.
Alex answers:
You will soon be able to spend coins! This feature will be available in March, so don't miss out!
Simone Derhahn asks:
When will it continue on the islands or in the city?
Alex answers:
We're planning to add some new stuff to the game this spring! Stay tuned!