The building is available after any purchase in the bank. ( you must make any purchase with real cash in the game such as superbucks, seasonal currency or a building to unlock)
- Place the Astrologer’s Home (can be bought from the City Sights tab of the Store)
- 6 Builders (trained at the College)
- 10000 goods (will be deducted)
- Save 150000 coins (will be deducted)
- 10 Strong ropes (drop from the Textile Factory)
- 25 Stars (can be collected from the Club and the Concert Hall)
- 2 Beams for a dome (can be purchased for superbucks. Also, there is a chance of getting them on the 4th game day or from the Dracula’s Castle, the Neueschweinstein Castle, the Indian Palace if you don’t run any quests and have all the energy in the Inventory)
- 2 Glasses for a dome (can be purchased for superbucks. Also, there is a chance of getting them on the 4th game day or from the Dracula’s Castle, the Neueschweinstein Castle, the Indian Palace if you don’t run any quests and have all the energy in the Inventory)
- 18 Strawberry cocktails (drop from the Pub)
- 20 Milk (can be produced at the Dairy Farm)
- 6 Cherry pies (produced at the Candy Factory)
- 2 Arches (can be purchased for superbucks. Also, there is a chance of getting them on the 4th game day or from the Dracula’s Castle, the Neueschweinstein Castle, the Indian Palace if you don’t run any quests and have all the energy in the Inventory)
- 2 Tower tiles (can be purchased for superbucks. Also, there is a chance of getting them on the 4th game day or from the Dracula’s Castle, the Neueschweinstein Castle, the Indian Palace if you don’t run any quests and have all the energy in the Inventory)
- 5 Cream (can be produced at the Dairy Farm)
- Help your friends with 60 buildings
- 20 Tuna fish (drop from the Sushi bar)
- 2 cans of Golden paint (can be purchased for superbucks. Also, there is a chance of getting them on the 4th game day or from the Dracula’s Castle, the Neueschweinstein Castle, the Indian Palace if you don’t run any quests and have all the energy in the Inventory)
- 2 Globes (can be purchased for superbucks. Also, there is a chance of getting them on the 4th game day or from the Dracula’s Castle, the Neueschweinstein Castle, the Indian Palace if you don’t run any quests and have all the energy in the Inventory)
- Collect profit from the Zweiffel Tower 5 times
- Collect profit from the Flower kiosks 40 times
- Place an Emerald Fountain (can be purchased from the Roads and Decorations tab of the Store)
- 6 Designers (trained at College)
- 17 Leather sofas (produce in Furniture Factory)
- 5 Blossoming Cherry-trees (can be purchased from the Roads and Decorations tab of the Store)
After the quests you will receive a Telescope (you can find it in the Roads and Decorations tab of the Storage).
Astrologer's Home rewards
There are different rewards that you can get from the Astrologer's Home depending on which gift you choose :)
Small Gift- (Receive in 18 hours ) 2,500 coins, 1,000 goods
Nice Gift- ( Receive in 2 days) 5,000 coins, 3 Energy
Great Gift- ( Receive in 5 days) 2 Superbucks, 7,000 coins, 3,000 goods and 5 energy