Shining Talismans are the currency for summoning holiday event bosses.

Shadow Talismans are the currency for summoning bosses of the past holiday events.

Shining Talismans are converted to Shadow Talismans when all holiday events on each boss hero are completed.

For example, in version 2.21, a a holiday event on the hero Sid was launched.

Version 2.22 kicked off a holiday event on the hero Luxuria, Deadly Beauty.

All Shining Talismans earned in an event on Sid are converted to Shadow Talismans.  You will be able to use them later to summon heroes from holidays that have already ended. 

Spending Shining Talismans from the event on Sid to summon Luxuria is not available.

There are three holiday events with Luxuria waiting for you. During these events, you can earn Shining Talismans to summon Luxuria and purchase Arcane Stars on her.

Once the events with Luxuria are complete, Shining Talismans will be exchanged for Shadow Talismans.

The number of Shadow Talismans in the profile can be viewed at the Legends of Arrat store.