The Age of Magic support team answers hundreds of questions every day. We want to give you a behind-the-scenes look at our work and provide some simple tips to help you get answers faster.

  1. Help Center.

We strive to make our Help Center useful and compile it based on the questions we frequently receive from you. We update and expand the database weekly to make information search convenient and understandable.

You might be surprised, but answers to many questions can be found in the Help Center 🙂

Before sending a request to the support team, check if there is an answer to your question on the portal. There's no need to read all the articles; use the search function: enter the name of the mode or event you are interested in. The system will suggest articles on the specified topic.

2. At the initial stage of processing an inquiry, automated Assistants help us. They analyze the text and suggest articles that may contain the answer to your question.
We understand that the Assistants' work is not perfect. However, we are constantly improving their algorithms.
Please follow these rules:

  • Formulate your question briefly, without trying to describe the entire essence of the problem at once.
  • Do not send just one word or a greeting to the support chat.
    A good example: "When does registration for the tournament begin?"

3. If the Assistant was unable to resolve your request at the previous stage, they will proceed to gather additional information.

  • Choose the correct category for your inquiry.
  • Indicate the steps that led to the problem.
  • Attach screenshots or videos to your request.

Many people think that support team can open your profile and see what went wrong. This is not the case; this data is not available to us. We learn the details mostly from your request.

4. Most often, people contact support team with problems that prevent them from enjoying the game. We understand that errors cause negative emotions that you want to express.
However, this will not help in solving the problem. The more constructive your message is, the faster we can help.
*Messages containing profanity and insults are automatically closed.
If you want to report an error, check our Discord channel.
Perhaps the development team is already aware and working on a solution.

5. In certain cases, the support team may not be able to resolve the issue at the time of contact or provide a timeframe for when it will be fixed. Believe us, we wish we could 🙂 We share with you the information we have and report all malfunctions to the development team. The more players are affected by a particular error, the faster we strive to fix everything. However, if the error occurs rarely or has little impact on game progress, the fix may take a long time.

We hope these simple tips were helpful. Our team will be happy to answer your questions!