1. Spend an Attack to storm an enemy fortification and engage a defending unit. At the start of each battle, each Clan member has 8 Attacks available, even if they are left over from the previous battle. The stock of Attacks can be increased for Battle Coins, but no more than 2 Attacks per battle. Battle Coins are obtained in the daily quests “Hand to Hand” and “Shoulder to Shoulder”.

2. You can attack any defending unit in one of the available enemy fortifications. Each next fortification becomes available for attack after defeating all defensive units of the previous one.

3. Clans can earn points during the attack phase.

For each captured objective, i.e. for defeating all defending units of the objective, the clan is guaranteed to receive a certain number of points.

For each defeated defense unit on the first attempt - 25 points. Each next attempt to defeat the same unit will reduce the number of points by 5, so up to 4 times, after which the reduction stops.

The defending clan gets 5 points for each time the enemy loses or retreats , so up to 4 times.

4. In case of an attack defeat, the enemy heroes retain their Health, Initiative and Skill at the end of the battle. But enemy heroes also receive a negative effect of Fatigue: Attack and Speed of heroes are reduced by 15%. The effect can accumulate up to 4 times for each failed attack attempt.

5. During a battle, a clan member can only use his heroes to attack once. But it is possible to make a Retreat and withdraw your unit from the battle before it is over. In case of a Retreat, the heroes can be used again, but the enemy heroes will not retain their state at the time of the battle's completion, will not receive Fatigue and will earn points for successful defense!