Level 24
You must complete Snow Station to make this quest available.
Yellow Timers!
Each step has a timer, if you fail to complete the steps on time you can restart for free or pay Superbucks to skip that step.
Yeti gives 700 -coins and 2 Energy every 12 hours.
Level 24
You must complete Snow Station to make this quest available.
Yellow Timers!
Each step has a timer, if you fail to complete the steps on time you can restart for free or pay Superbucks to skip that step.
Yeti gives 700 -coins and 2 Energy every 12 hours.
Yeti I (No Quest Timer) :
Repair Old Station (Snow Station)
Collect 30 Excursion Tickets (Visit neighbors' cities, and click on buildings with a clock or coin icon)
Repair Old Station (Snow Station)
Collect 30 Excursion Tickets (Visit neighbors' cities, and click on buildings with a clock or coin icon)
Yeti II Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 10 Pairs of Skis (Shoe Shop)
Collect 10 Ropes (Textile Factory - Any)
Collect 5 Flashlights (Ask Friends)
Yeti III Quest Timer: 48h
Grow 35 Crops of Corn (Farm )
Collect 15 Star1 (Club, Concert Hall)
Collect 4 Reinforcements (Cargo Port )
Yeti IV Quest Timer: 48h
Collect 8 Heart (Film Set, Wedding Palace, "Love" Reality Show)
Collect 22 Leaflets (Textile Factory - Denim )
Help Neighbors with 60 Buildings
Yeti V Quest Timer: 60h
Train 6 Sc-designer (College)
Collect 50 Planks (Cargo Port)
Collect 15 Toys (Ask Friends)
Yeti VI Quest Timer: 36h
Collect Profits from Bakery 35 times
Collect 10 Petrol Cans (Petrol Station)
Collect 9 Matches (Ask Friends)
Yeti VII Quest Timer: 24h
Fill Flower Kiosk with Goods 20 times
Grow 30 Crops of Pumpkins (Farm )
Collect 7 Royal Carps (Ask Friends)
Yeti VIII Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 12 Croissants (Bakery)
Produce 10 Lots of Cherry Cupcakes (Candy Factory )
Collect 7 Candy Bars (Ask Friends)
Level 24
Have successfully completed the Snow Station and Yeti.
Yellow Timers:
Each quest step has a timer, if you run out of time you can re-start the quest step or pay Superbucks to skip that step.
The Mammoth gives 700 Sc-coins, 5 Energy and 1 Experience every 24 hours

Level 24
Have successfully completed the Snow Station and Yeti.
Yellow Timers:
Each quest step has a timer, if you run out of time you can re-start the quest step or pay Superbucks to skip that step.
The Mammoth gives 700 Sc-coins, 5 Energy and 1 Experience every 24 hours

Mammoth I: Quest Timer: 36h
Grow 30 Crops of Squashes - (Farm )
Collect 12 Thermoses (Shopping Center)
Collect 12 Blankets (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 2/11
Click "Send"
The Mammoth II: Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 10 Shovels (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect 15 Planks (Cargo Port)
Collect 9 Flashlights (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 3/11
Click "Deliver"
The Mammoth III: Quest Timer: 48h
Train 5Sc-engineer (University - can use items from inventory)
Collect 9 Strong Ropes (Kindergarten)
Collect 15 Winches (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 4/11
Click "Send"
The Mammoth IV: Quest Timer: 48h
Collect 15 Units of Water (Water Tower or Water Tower Upgrade)
Grow 21 Crops of Apples (Fruit Farm )
Grow 22 Crops of Pumpkins (Farm )
Help for the Mammoth 5/11
Click "Treat"
The Mammoth V: Quest Timer: 60h
Collect 25 Excursion Tickets (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect profits from Flower Kiosk 36 times
Collect 12 Buses (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 6/11
Click "Help"
The Mammoth VI: Quest Timer: 24h
Produce 15 Lots of Printed Cotton (Textile Factory )
Collect 15 Star1 (Club, Concert Hall)
Fill the Bakery with Goods 15 times
Help for the Mammoth 7/11
Click "Help"
The Mammoth VII: Quest Timer: 36h
Collect 16 Ring Cakes (Bakery)
Collect profits from Subway Station 22 times
Collect 18 Bouquets (Flower Kiosk)
Help for the Mammoth 8/11
Click "Deliver"
The Mammoth VIII: Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 5 Twigs (Forest Spirit)
Collect 19 Nails (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect 24 Cans of Paint (Hotel, Ranch, Family House, Comfortable House, Townhouse)
Help for the Mammoth 9/11
Click "Build"
The Mammoth IX: Quest Timer: 48h
Produce 7 Lots of Cakes with Berries (Candy Factory )
Grow 45 Crops of Strawberries (Farm )
Collect 18 Strawberry Cocktails (Pub)
Help for the Mammoth 10/11
Click "Help"
The Mammoth X: Quest Timer: 36h
Collect 28 Air Balloons (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect profits from Shopping Center 26 times
Collect 9 Heart (Wedding Palace, Film Set or "Love" Reality Show)
Help for the Mammoth 11/11
Click "Give"
Grow 30 Crops of Squashes - (Farm )
Collect 12 Thermoses (Shopping Center)
Collect 12 Blankets (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 2/11
Click "Send"
The Mammoth II: Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 10 Shovels (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect 15 Planks (Cargo Port)
Collect 9 Flashlights (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 3/11
Click "Deliver"
The Mammoth III: Quest Timer: 48h
Train 5Sc-engineer (University - can use items from inventory)
Collect 9 Strong Ropes (Kindergarten)
Collect 15 Winches (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 4/11
Click "Send"
The Mammoth IV: Quest Timer: 48h
Collect 15 Units of Water (Water Tower or Water Tower Upgrade)
Grow 21 Crops of Apples (Fruit Farm )
Grow 22 Crops of Pumpkins (Farm )
Help for the Mammoth 5/11
Click "Treat"
The Mammoth V: Quest Timer: 60h
Collect 25 Excursion Tickets (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect profits from Flower Kiosk 36 times
Collect 12 Buses (Ask friends)
Help for the Mammoth 6/11
Click "Help"
The Mammoth VI: Quest Timer: 24h
Produce 15 Lots of Printed Cotton (Textile Factory )
Collect 15 Star1 (Club, Concert Hall)
Fill the Bakery with Goods 15 times
Help for the Mammoth 7/11
Click "Help"
The Mammoth VII: Quest Timer: 36h
Collect 16 Ring Cakes (Bakery)
Collect profits from Subway Station 22 times
Collect 18 Bouquets (Flower Kiosk)
Help for the Mammoth 8/11
Click "Deliver"
The Mammoth VIII: Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 5 Twigs (Forest Spirit)
Collect 19 Nails (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect 24 Cans of Paint (Hotel, Ranch, Family House, Comfortable House, Townhouse)
Help for the Mammoth 9/11
Click "Build"
The Mammoth IX: Quest Timer: 48h
Produce 7 Lots of Cakes with Berries (Candy Factory )
Grow 45 Crops of Strawberries (Farm )
Collect 18 Strawberry Cocktails (Pub)
Help for the Mammoth 10/11
Click "Help"
The Mammoth X: Quest Timer: 36h
Collect 28 Air Balloons (visit your friends’ cities and click buildings with a coin or clock icon above)
Collect profits from Shopping Center 26 times
Collect 9 Heart (Wedding Palace, Film Set or "Love" Reality Show)
Help for the Mammoth 11/11
Click "Give"
Dragon in Ice
Have successfully finished the Mammoth Super Event.
Yellow Timers!
You can restart each step without penalty, or use Superbucks to skip.
"Stone Dragon" statue
Dragon in Ice (600 Sc-coins, 4-9 Energy & 1 Experience every 12 hours)
Add quest to the to-do list:
Click on the Frozen Dragon
Dragon in Ice I: Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 12 Pairs of Skis (Shoe Shop, Upgraded Shoe Shop)
Collect 9 Backpacks (Summer House, Upgraded Summer House)
Collect 6 Compasses (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice II: Quest Timer: 24h
Grow 20 Crops of Corn (Farm )
Collect 12 Ring Cakes (Bakery, Upgraded Bakery)
Collect 12 Scarves (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice III: Quest Timer: 36h
Produce 12 Lots of Milk (Dairy Farm)
Collect 15 Sets of Shells (Sushi Bar)
Collect 17 Diamonds (Mansion)
Dragon in Ice IV: Quest Timer: 48h
Collect 20 Pairs of Mittens (Textile Factory - Wool, Tulle, Denim, Printed Cotton, Linen, Venetian Lace, Silk, Velvet, Lace)
Collect 9 Strong Ropes (Kindergarten)
Collect 18 Pairs of Shoes (Shoe Shop)
Dragon in Ice V: Quest Timer: 36h
Grow 15 Crops of Potatoes (Farm)
Collect 17 Thermoses (Shopping Center)
Collect 20 Sandwiches (Pub, Upgraded Pub)
Dragon in Ice VI: Quest Timer: 36h
Collect 55 Bottles of Vitamins (Farm - Strawberries)
Collect 12 Cups of Tea (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)
Collect 15 Blankets (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice VII: Quest Timer: 48h
Collect 20 Lumps of Sugar (Candy Factory - Toffee Apple)
Collect 15 Heart (Wedding Palace, Film Set, "Love" Reality Show)
Collect 12 Candy Bars (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice VIII: Quest Timer: 60h
Collect 10 Waffle Rolls (Yeti - you can get 2 items each time)
Collect 25 Invitations (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)
Collect 19 Bouquets (Flower Kiosk, Upgraded Flower Kiosk)
Dragon in Ice IX: Quest Timer: 60h
Train 7 Sc-builder (can use items from inventory)
Collect 10 Reinforcements (Cargo Port)
Collect 15 Units of Water (Water Tower)
Dragon in Ice X: Quest Timer: 48h
Train 6 Sc-designer (can use items from inventory)
Produce 29 Lots of Linen (Textile Factory )
Collect 16 Romantic Candles (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)
Dragon in Ice XI: Quest Timer: 60h
Collect 20 Croissants (Bakery, Upgraded Bakery)
Collect 20 Sweets (Candy Factory - Cherry Cupcake, Toffee Apple, Cherry Pie, Choco-log, Cake with Berries, Chocolate, Eclair, Honey pie, Cheesecake)
Collect 15 Cakes (Ask friends)
Have successfully finished the Mammoth Super Event.
Yellow Timers!
You can restart each step without penalty, or use Superbucks to skip.
"Stone Dragon" statue
Dragon in Ice (600 Sc-coins, 4-9 Energy & 1 Experience every 12 hours)
Add quest to the to-do list:
Click on the Frozen Dragon
Dragon in Ice I: Quest Timer: 24h
Collect 12 Pairs of Skis (Shoe Shop, Upgraded Shoe Shop)
Collect 9 Backpacks (Summer House, Upgraded Summer House)
Collect 6 Compasses (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice II: Quest Timer: 24h
Grow 20 Crops of Corn (Farm )
Collect 12 Ring Cakes (Bakery, Upgraded Bakery)
Collect 12 Scarves (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice III: Quest Timer: 36h
Produce 12 Lots of Milk (Dairy Farm)
Collect 15 Sets of Shells (Sushi Bar)
Collect 17 Diamonds (Mansion)
Dragon in Ice IV: Quest Timer: 48h
Collect 20 Pairs of Mittens (Textile Factory - Wool, Tulle, Denim, Printed Cotton, Linen, Venetian Lace, Silk, Velvet, Lace)
Collect 9 Strong Ropes (Kindergarten)
Collect 18 Pairs of Shoes (Shoe Shop)
Dragon in Ice V: Quest Timer: 36h
Grow 15 Crops of Potatoes (Farm)
Collect 17 Thermoses (Shopping Center)
Collect 20 Sandwiches (Pub, Upgraded Pub)
Dragon in Ice VI: Quest Timer: 36h
Collect 55 Bottles of Vitamins (Farm - Strawberries)
Collect 12 Cups of Tea (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)
Collect 15 Blankets (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice VII: Quest Timer: 48h
Collect 20 Lumps of Sugar (Candy Factory - Toffee Apple)
Collect 15 Heart (Wedding Palace, Film Set, "Love" Reality Show)
Collect 12 Candy Bars (Ask friends)
Dragon in Ice VIII: Quest Timer: 60h
Collect 10 Waffle Rolls (Yeti - you can get 2 items each time)
Collect 25 Invitations (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)
Collect 19 Bouquets (Flower Kiosk, Upgraded Flower Kiosk)
Dragon in Ice IX: Quest Timer: 60h
Train 7 Sc-builder (can use items from inventory)
Collect 10 Reinforcements (Cargo Port)
Collect 15 Units of Water (Water Tower)
Dragon in Ice X: Quest Timer: 48h
Train 6 Sc-designer (can use items from inventory)
Produce 29 Lots of Linen (Textile Factory )
Collect 16 Romantic Candles (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)
Dragon in Ice XI: Quest Timer: 60h
Collect 20 Croissants (Bakery, Upgraded Bakery)
Collect 20 Sweets (Candy Factory - Cherry Cupcake, Toffee Apple, Cherry Pie, Choco-log, Cake with Berries, Chocolate, Eclair, Honey pie, Cheesecake)
Collect 15 Cakes (Ask friends)