PLEASE NOTE: Supercity support does not handle any in-game payments directly.
If you have a payment issue, you are kindly asked to contact the payment service provider - Xsolla.
To contact Xsolla support, please go to this link:
On this website, there is a list of articles describing various payment issues - click on the link that pertains to your problem.
On this website, there is a list of articles describing various payment issues - click on the link that pertains to your problem.

If there is no link with the problem that you have, you can go straight to the Xsolla help request form:
You need to fill it out and wait for a reply from Xsolla.
Please note:
Please note:
If you get any kind of error on the portal while trying to make a payment, you would need to take a screenshot of the error and send it to the Xsolla support (information on how to take a screenshot is HERE).
The support may also request your payment receipt. The receipts for payments made on the portal arrive at the email you provided during the registration or, if you use Paypal, to the email of your Paypal account.