Requirements: the chests will be received by players level 15+
The main reward is the Jaswant Thada (4,600 coins, 1-4 energy, 2-4 pearls/candies every 21 hours, size 9*6, can be placed anywhere)
Each chest can be opened for 9 Summer keys.
There are 3 ways to get Keys:
Completing the quest:
Culinary Experiments I (3 keys)
Collect 21 Carrots (Summer House, Upgraded Summer House)
Collect 9 Lollipops (Coffee House, Upgraded Coffee House)
Collect 7 Dandelions (from friends’ cities - buildings with a clock or coin)
Culinary Experiments II (3 keys)
Collect 12 Pans (Hostel, Upgraded Hostel)
Collect 20 Bags of chips (Farm, Upgraded Farm - when harvesting Potatoes)
Ask friends for 6 Candy Bars
Culinary Experiments III (4 keys)
Collect 17 Pencils (Stationery Shop, Upgraded Stationery Shop)
Collect 26 Smoothies (Convenience Store, Upgraded Convenience Store)
Collect 15 Valves (Premium Cottage)
2. Collect profits from the following buildings:
Central Station - 1 key every 24 hours;
Paleontological Museum - 1 key every 8 hours;
Batalha Monastery - 1-4 keys every 22 hours;
Almudena Cathedral - 2-4 keys every 22 hours;
Château des Réaux - 1-5 keys every 22 hours;
3. Use the sale offer!
Special offer with the Jaswant Thada chest event

Batalha Monastery: 4,400 coins, 1-4 energy, 2-4 pearls, 1-4 summer keys during the Jaswant Thada chest event every 22 hours;
Château des Réaux: 4,500 coins, 1-4 energy, 2-4 pearls, 1-5 summer keys during the Jaswant Thada chest event every 22 hours
Almudena Cathedral: 4,400 coins, 1-4 energy, 2-4 pearls, 2-4 summer keys during the Jaswant Thada chest event every 22 hours;
Washington Post: 4,100 coins, 1-3 energy every 20 hours;
Rotunda of Mosta: 3,700 coins, 1-3 energy every 22 hours;
Marseille Basilica: 4,300 coins, 1-3 energy every 22 hours.